2015 Echo Reader's Choice for Bartender

By KJ Philp, May 2015 Issue. Meet the other winners here.

Ronald Rogers, who has been behind the Stacy’s @ Melrose bar since the day it opened, also holds Echo Readers' Choice Bartender Awards for 2010 and 2012, and 2015.

Echo caught up with Rogers following the April 9 awards ceremony and here's what he had to say:

Echo: What's it like working for a guy who wins everything he's nominated for? Does he designate mandatory voting sessions when you arrive to work or what?

Rogers: LOL, no. I love Stacy, I've known him for sometime now. I can't complain,  I have the best boss.

Echo: You've become known for your Bearbie hats, your selfie stick and your bumper stickers – care to elaborate?

Rogers: Life's too short, live out loud. #dowhatiwant

Echo: If you could be on any reality TV Show which would it be and why?

Rogers: Hmmmmm, most likely none of them, there's too much drama and not enough fun! I'd have to create a whole new one with Gina and I.

Echo: Here's a random one: Tell us about your earliest Echo memory.

Rogers: Going to the Echo Readers' Choice Awards in 2009 with the Mr. Bryon Wiley.

Echo: Care you share a little-known fact about yourself or your bartending skills? I've seen your Irish carbomb video.

Rogers: It's summer time and I love body shots!

EchoWhat's the best advice you've ever received?

Rogers: You're on stage, and at a bar it's always HAPPY hour, SMILE.  Leave your problems at the door.  It's not always easy, but I feel like I do a pretty damn good job.

EchoWhere can you be spotted when you're not behind the bar at Stacy's

Rogers: Anywhere. It's like my girlfriend says, "Let's drink and move!"  So, anywhere from Bunkhouse to Kobalt or FEZ to Ticoz.

EchoWhat new and exciting things do you have in the works between now and the 2016 Echo Readers' Choice Awards?

Rogers: I have no idea, I guess we'll have to wait and find out. I'm excited for what the next year has in store for me.

EchoIs there anyone you'd like to thank? Shoutouts you'd like to make?

Rogers: Stacy and my wonderful family at Stacy's.  All my regulars/friends and most of all my Hubby, Robert.

EchoThe floor is yours; anything else you'd like to add?

Rogers: Is it Happy Hour yet?