An Awards Show With Lots of Music

Kill Your TV KC will have its first Best of Kansas City Awards on Dec. 15. It’s a fairly new organization, with a mixed-content blog ( focused on local music and art talent. They seem to be recognizing bands based on a multitude of qualities, regardless of how popular they are or how long they have been around.

The blog’s description says: “We believe that our city contains a wealth of great art and music, and our aim is to bring it the recognition it deserves. … We believe in a community among local artists, and through our projects and promotions hope to expose artists to other artists and create a family of Kansas City’s best and brightest.”

The awards show will feature performances by local bands and musicians. According to Steph Castor, who is helping promote it, the awards will be presented between sets.

“Basically there are a bunch of different categories for local awards like Best Newcomer, Best EP. It’s all on the Kill Your TV website, but people were able to email and vote. … All the bands that are playing are bands that either won an award or donated their time.”

Even though Castor will also be performing with her band, Grenadina, she is particularly excited for the band Slum Party, which features Scott Chaffin. He is one of the main writers for Kill Your TV KC and is setting up the awards show.

According to Castor, “They’ve got this really ambient surf rock sort of feel. It’s like She & Him did a bunch of acid.”

The event, which is free, will start at 7 p.m. Dec. 15 at Club 906 in Liberty, Mo. The first band will be Slum Party; others will include Jorge Arana Trio, Grenadina, James Christos, Lazy, and Wurm & the Madness.

Castor says, “It’s really just an awesome event where bands are shown appreciation by their fans and people in the scene — and, of course, free music. It’s going to be a good time.”