About OUTvoices

artist paintings from Cartagena Colombia.
OUTvoices Our community, our voices

Who We Are

OUTvoices is easy — we show the LGBTQ+ community how to live a life that is more engaged. Whether we're talking about fashion, food, drink, beauty, or travel, we bring authenticity and understanding to it all. As our name implies, we are a voice for everyone in our community from lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer (or questioning) to the plus: the non-conforming, the fluid, the non-binary, all the way to our allies. OUTvoices offers articles, posts, how-to's, and guides on a wide range of topics, from how to apply foundation properly to how to cook a family meal.

Founded in 2021 in Chicago, Illinois, we pride ourselves on sharing authentic, interesting, and informative experiences from a local and national perspective. We have a team of seasoned writers based around the country, who test the products, mix the cocktails, cook the food recipes, and meet with the brands we cover.

The OUTvoices Team

  • The OUTvoices Kansas City formerly Camp Magazine
    • John Long, Founder and Publisher Emeritus
  • The OUTvoices Nashville formerly Out and About Nashville
    • Jerry Jones, Founder and Publisher Emeritus
  • The OUTvoices Phoenix formerly Echo Magazine
    • Bill Orovan, Founder and Publisher Emeritus

Editorial Content

Editorial Inquiries

How OUTvoices Earns Revenue

Funding for OUTvoices is based on digital advertisements and partnerships with various brands. We do our best to ensure each advertiser and partnership adheres to the principles of DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) whether through sponsored content, video, events, or display ads and other means of advertising. OUTvoices also earns affiliate revenue from products shown throughout our website.

NGLCC Certified Business

OUTvoices and its bureaus are certified LGBTBE by the National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce.