Lets just face it, unless Kroger decides to change their CEO and the right-winged religious fanatics go the way of the late Jerry Fallwell then we are going to have a fight on our hands. But that's okay, we have come this far and we are not going to lay down and play dead.
During the last month, the news of our problem was picked up by all the local TV channels, the Nashville City Paper, the Nashville Scene, the Tennesseean and other newspapers. But most importantly it was picked up by the Associated Press and widely distributed to hundreds of national papers including the Wall Street Journal and by papers in Canada and the U.K.
Now is the time for us to join with the ACLU, the TEP, the Mayor's Commission on Human Relations and other groups to put a stop to bigotry of the GLBT community. We already have the right to equality under the U.S. Constitution. Now let us take that first step to leap over the fences that are in the way, to go further than we have ever done before.
If you think that someone else will act and you can watch it all on TV or the papers, you are wrong! We must become a force to be reckoned with. Just as Stonewall put it all out there in black and white, it is our time to do the same and not shy away.
Kroger is just the beginning...such acts of stupidity will be common. Right now every single one of you should send an email to the Kroger Company and tell the what you think. Be polite but firm.
As T.R. (Grey's Anatomy) said at the 18th GLADD Awards, "I am mad, very mad." You can be too. It is alright to be mad. Go boycott. Write a letter or two. Call the TEP and see what you can do for them. There are many ideas we can come up with that will send a clear message of our likes and dislikes to those that are bigots.
Yes I said the word. It does come down to bigotry and of the worse kind.