The Tennessee Repertory Theatre has recently added Pat Patrick to its staff. A veteran marketing and public relations professional, Patrick joins The Rep as Marketing Manager.
“Pat is a welcome addition to The Rep,” Audience Development Director Bennett Tarleton said. “His extensive marketing experience in the for-profit sector, his personal interest in literacy and involvement in the not-for-profit community, his support of the arts, his contacts and excellent communication skills – all these qualities make him an ideal choice as The Rep increases its earned-income efforts. Pat’s primary focus will be on ticket sales, both season and single tickets.”Patrick brings 13 years of experience to the position, including stints with Barnes & Noble in Nashville and Atlanta, Borders in Atlanta and Davis-Kidd Booksellers in Nashville. In 2004 Patrick founded his own public relations firm — Ryhme and Reason Communications — which focused on grassroots marketing initiatives for authors, musicians, artists and arts-related community organizations.
In addition to his professional experience, Patrick is a long-time advocate of literacy, one of The Rep’s long-standing social service interests. Winner of the 1999 National Reading Hero Award given by First Book and Random House, Patrick will take the reins as president of the board of directors for the Middle Tennessee literacy organization, Book’em. He is serving his second year as chairperson of “Read Me Week,” Tennessee’s most visible literacy initiative.
“I couldn’t be more thrilled to be joining an organization such as The Rep. My professional career has focused primarily on working with creative artists of one medium or another that provide intelligent dialogue through their various forms of thought-provoking creativity. I feel energized to be joining the talented staff of The Rep on the cusp of such a daring and exciting season,” said Patrick.
Patrick is a native of Summerdale, Alabama and a graduate of Furman University in Greenville, South Carolina.