Ranking.com has ranked the top fifteen independent GLBT newspapers in the United States, with Tennessee publication Out & About Newspaper placing at the number nine spot in the nation in popularity of GLBT online newspapers.
The newspaper's Web site, www.outandaboutnewspaper.com, typically receives more than one million "hits" a month, with an average of 70,000 unique users. The site offers breaking news for the gay and lesbian community, as well as local business, features and sports. The site was designed by SBResults of Hermitage, Tenn. and allows reporters to log in and instantly post breaking news. Through a partnership with CBS affiliate WTVF NewsChannel 5, the site also shows video clips from the TV show Out & About Today, and provides up-to-the-minute weather information from NewsChannel 5.
"We're pleased that our readers continue to view our Web site and our print publication as a reliable source to receive their local GLBT news and information," said Jerry Jones, publisher. "We appreciate the support that our readers and advertisers continue to provide."
Out & About Newspaper will celebrate its fifth year in business in October, and is one of two local GLBT publications in Nashville. The other, Inside Out Nashville, has been in business for more than 12 years.
The monthly newspaper prints 14,000 copies a month, with an average print readership of more than 30,000. It distributes at more than 130 locations throughout Tennessee, including eight Nashville Kroger stores and three Harris Teeter stores.
Below are the top fifteen rankings as of August 1:
#1 Metro Weekly
DC, Maryland, Virginia
#2 Next Magazine
New York
#3 Gay City News
New York
#4 Between the Lines
#5 Gay People's Chronicle
#6 OutSmart Magazine
#7 Bay Area Reporter (B.A.R.)
#8 Seattle Gay News (SGN)
#9 Out & About Newspaper
#10 Ambush Magazine
#11 Windy City Times
#12 Go! Magazine (Lesbians)
New York City
#13 Out In the Mountains
#14 Gay and Lesbian Times (GLT)
#15 The Liberty Press