When a gynecologist refused to perform a physical examination on a client in rural Georgia, based on the client’s sexual orientation, "we knew something must be done," claims Diversity Builder President Debbie Stanton.
''Whether refusing medical treatment is an ethical AMA practice is a legitimate question, but to me, it is absolutely unacceptable,'' Stanton said. ''We are in the new millennium and people will still turn away a patient who they don't realize is just like them and may even be their neighbor.''
Stanton decided that gays, lesbian, and transgender (glbt) patients need a way to locate medical and healthcare services that are gay-friendly and nondiscriminatory — and that she was the one who was going to make it happen. The current number one search term at www.diversitybuilder.com is ‘gay doctor,’ indicating a defined need for gay-friendly medical services.
Out of her Tennessee home, she and her partner have launched a full scale campaign, featuring free physician listings for general practitioners and therapists who agree to welcome and service all clients, regardless of sexual orientation. "Unfortunately, we have not found any other sites that offer free physician search services and free physician listings, including longstanding gay supportive medical non-profit sites. "Stanton performs a personalized nationwide search for any patron who can't find a glbt friendly doctor on the site, www.diversitybuilder.com. "We just want to help the community and make a difference," claims Stanton.
Additionally, Diversity Builder’s medical campaign includes an aggressive plan to expand Diversity Builder’s national database, and add the remaining 30 US states. "We are in the process of contacting select medical corporations and drug companies, who openly support diversity, in hopes of securing a corporate sponsor for the campaign," says Stanton.
To assist those medical practitioners and hospitals who want their staff be ‘glbt-friendly,’ Diversity Builder offers a diversity training class, entitled ‘Diversity Training for the Medical Professional.’
Stanton concluded by saying, "We don’t wish to leave any doctors behind and Diversity Builder will ensure no gays are left behind when it comes to obtaining quality healthcare."
Debbie Stanton may be reached for comment at info@diversitybuilder.com or by calling 615-794-5047.