Nashville is thriving, and I want to make sure all of us get a piece of the pie. We need real leadership with real representation, where our local businesses and affordable housing serve as lightning rods for new life in our neighborhoods. I am running for Metro Council because I believe in a better District 8.
Growth in Nashville is moving quickly up the Gallatin and Dickerson corridors. On the Council, I will work to ensure that development happens for us and not to us.
Smart Development Opportunities:
Neelys Bend Extension
For years there's been discussion about extending Neelys Bend to the west side of Gallatin. We need mixed-use development along the extended bend. One of my primary goals as a new council person would be to work with all city departments and creative developers to achieve real progress in this area of what is known as downtown Madison.
Due West Avenue Business Development
If the research from Metro Planning is true - we need more mixed use affordable housing in Davidson county. Our area of Nashville should be the jewel of that plan. It's right off Ellington Parkway already zoned for business, on the MTA grid, and has a thriving artistic community from the nearby Nossi College of Art.
Dickerson Pike from Old Hickory Boulevard to Briley Parkway
This area is ready to become a larger shopping district and corporate headquarter location destination.
We should, and must, leverage public resources to achieve public good. The priorities need to shift to roads and bridges, housing and water, schools and teachers. As your council representative, I will work with my colleagues on the larger issues that we, as an entire community face. If a business is to receive incentive, let’s see that support go to local small businesses that are actively involved in their communities. Creative smart development must happen. On my watch, I will work for it to happen for the benefit of people that are paying for it.
Pro-business advocates believe the government should directly assist specific businesses or industries through subsidies, tax breaks, or other advantages. I believe that good business is good for the public. However, handing tax incentives over to local corporations should not be described as a "public investment.”
See also:
Rooftops (July 14, 2015)
Real Representation (July 23, 2015)
I Was One of Those Kids (July 31, 2015)