Aries. 3-21 to 4-19.
This month the planet Mars, your planetary ruler will be in the sign of Gemini, which is a compliment to you. You can’t wait to begin the New Year. Not only do you have a vision but a tireless motivation to get things started as well as bring all those lose ends to a successful conclusion. In your haste to get elements moving you need to take the time to look very carefully at the opportunities that are before you. There are some people around you that are saying one thing but are not following through with what they say. Don't be reluctant in saying no to people. Remember your title, your in charge and you get what you want not what they want.
Taurus. 4-20 to 5-20.
You’re hard work, dedication, reliability and organizational skills finally pay off. With the New moon on the 8th, look for a pay raise, to go along with that new position. While you definitely deserve all that is coming to you, there are a few people around you, which may include a best friend that are jealous that it was you that receive the awards and not them. If you could get away and I mean far away for about a weeks vacation before you take on these new duties it would help present the new you. Sometimes doing anything new can be difficult for you, so go grab some of that sunshine.
Gemini. 5-21 to 6-21.
With Mars the planet that rules your ego in the sign of Gemini, look for January to be all about you. The stress of Xmas is over, your job gets back to normal and there’s more time to get back to you and do the things that you want and need to do. Exercise, sex and maybe some elective surgery. Try and keep a focus on what you want in the near future. The planet Saturn will cause you to look in the mirror and you might not like what you see. Don’t do this to yourself. You’re the only one that doesn’t know you’re a hot commodity.
Cancer. 6-22 to 7-22.
Well, the Sun and Jupiter are in the Sign of Capricorn. The problem is, it presents oppositions in your life. As long as you listen to what others have to say, you should be somewhat OK. It’s just that when you tell them that you don’t agree with them, they go off like it was the 4th of July. Now it’s more than just people that are going to give you a hard time. Look for the phone, computer, TV and even other things to surround you with problems that end up costing money. As if Xmas wasn’t enough now you have new and unwanted expenses. You’re going to need to find a place that has a happy hour, where you can get two for the price of one. That’s the antidote a few cocktails and you’ve saved some money and forget what was bothering you.
Leo. 7-23 to 8-23.
You’re a sign that just your appearance can threaten others. You’re always on top of things and very seldom do you show your vulnerabilities. This month especially around the Full Moon of the 22nd, look for opportunities to develop new friendships as well as a new relationship. So, you need to respond to conversation and give others the benefit of a doubt. I know that it can be hard because of all the slugs that you’ve met lately but not only does it look good it’s going to feel good. He or she will introduce you to a whole new outlook of what love is all about. Besides, you’ve got excellent insight and awareness when it comes to evaluating others. And last of all this person has not only a job and money but a brain. We all know the smarter they are the better the sex.
Virgo. 8-24 to 9-22.
Time to take a break from everything that has been putting knots in your stomach and think seriously about what it will take to get you to unwind. Why don’t you start with getting yourself a new car? Then break it in by driving down to the Keys. Give yourself at least 10 days. With your pale skin you’re going to need some lotion. I’m sure there will be no problem in finding someone to rub you down. And you were ready to give up on a relationship. Even if it’s a one-night stand you need to run with this. What you do in the Keys, stays in the Keys. Let someone wait on you for a change and tuck you in at night. Now you realize what you’ve been missing, someone to love. Open up and take the risk. There’s a person out there that just adores you, and they’re right in front of you.
Libra. 9-23 to 10-23.
It’s not often that you have to deal with an imbalance in life but this month deals with bringing harmony and love back into your life even at the cost of a divorce or separation. Let me say that in a different way. You have been miserable for quite some time now and your physical body is starting to turn on itself. It’s time to admit that you’ve grown. Other people in your life have become relevant to who you once were but not who you are now. Make the decision to move on to what you love. Things will become so much clearer. A moment of sadness because of what needs to be done but beneath all of this is the divine spark, to illuminate a new journey.
Scorpio. 10-24 to 11-22.
You can be pretty set in your ways but this month is full of resolutions that you will tend to keep. Let’s start with the bad habits like smoking. You can say that’s it, I’m done. No patch or nicotine gum is needed. It’s all about taking better care of yourself and not only physically but mentally by going to school or get more into reading and writing. Even spiritually, going to church, yoga, seeing a psychologist to better understand the self. Something sort of clicks inside you that says this year is my moment and I’m going to set a course to make constructive changes in my life that are not only good for me but everyone connected with me. The New Moon on the 8th is the best time to begin your quest to empower these new motivations.
Sagittarius. 11-23 to 12-21.
You’re the sign of truth. But that also means being true to you. This month you begin a process of realization that will cause you to retreat from interacting with life into a cocoon. Mundane life is filled with more and more clay people. How can you relate to that and the simple truth is, you can’t. You pick and choose your friends oh so carefully. You seem to be on the outside looking in. The problem is, staying on the outside is safer. You’ve had many opportunities to involve yourself with others but choose not to. So, while your hibernating why not write a book; get into painting or even nature. Sometimes healing takes a little bit longer than we think.
Capricorn. 12-22 to 1-20.
Hey, happy birthday. This is the time that the Sun comes back to reconnect with the very essence of your being. It truly is a time to make a wish. You’re going to feel a little different this month. Like you feel something is about to change. The thing is, your right to have these kinds of feelings. Everything is about to change, and for the better. Why don’t you start off with either making travel plans are just getting out of town. You need to accept social invitations. Time to laugh and enjoy life and get away from work even if it’s just with your mind. Reconnect with old friends and lovers. There could be opportunities coming from them. No emotion assessments here, you’re still very objective and rational. But others really appreciate you and show their gratitude.
Aquarius. 1-21 to 2-18.
Life can get a little confusing this month, especially with the job and relationships. The relationship you’re in becomes very tested. It’s going in the opposite direction of what you want it to. It may be too late to put it back on the right tract. You normally get your way but not this time. Not even a Hallmark card will bail you out of separation or divorce court. Since the career is what you live for, why not play the work alcoholic and put more time and energy into it. Keeps the mind off the emotional drama. I know it may be hard but you must be fair and gentle not only with the person doing this to you but also with yourself. It makes for better Karma. Look for the Full Moon on the 22nd for most of this to become a reality.
Pisces. 2-19 to 3-20.
Well get ready to ride the roller coaster this month. First you could be accident-prone so make sure you’ve got Band-Aids in the bathroom. Drive carefully and obey those stop signs at 2 in the morning. You need to get the oil changes and get air into those tires. And it seems that others have an opposite viewpoint. One challenge after another brings one aspirin after another. Now, on the other side of life if you’re taking any tests you score better than expected. The social life is filled with going to the movies, dinner and dancing. There’s more than one person that wants to keep you warm at night. You’ve been putting this off but it’s time to get a cat or dog.
To contact Thomas for a personal reading, please visit his Website at