Did you have trouble making your contribution during yesterday's Big Payback online fundraiser?
You weren't the only one. A News2 story reports that technical glitches began at 9 a.m. yesterday morning which, according to Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee President Ellen Lehman, "stemmed largely from the rush of Middle Tennesseans eager to make a difference."
By last night, due to nationwide technical issues, the decision was made to shut it all down.
The good news is you still have an opportunity to give through May 5th at noon.
An O&AN so far we've received updates from the Tennessee Equality Project Foundation (give here) and the Nashville LGBT Chamber of Commerce (give here).
The following is a news release from the Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee:
In the spirit of collaboration and giving, we'd like to capture Tuesday’s momentum and encourage you to continue the Giving Day until Thursday, May 5 at noon.
The Big Payback has never been about a website. It’s about the spirit of giving and collaboration, the role of digital resources in raising awareness for giving, and ultimately, the extraordinary work that nonprofits do in Middle Tennessee.
Although The Big Payback website is no longer available, we’d like to encourage donors to give through the variety of ways that are available:
- Participating nonprofit website
- GivingMatters.com
- Cash or check delivered to The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee office during normal business hours before noon on Thursday, May 5.
We were inspired by the support shown throughout Middle Tennessee for Tuesday’s Giving Day. While the day clearly did not go as planned, we set out to mobilize giving and we did. Giving was the word of the day, and a tremendous amount of money — well over $1 million — was raised for local nonprofits.
Many of you have asked about prizes. All prizes that were awarded before 9 a.m. will remain intact, and we will continue to work toward a structure that reflects the intent of the original prize structure. Please be assured that all intended prize money will awarded.
Tuesday’s generosity was truly outstanding. Let's collectively keep it going until noon Thursday, May 5.