In keeping with the Brooks Fund’s mission to protect the dignity, safety and health of Middle Tennessee’s GLBT community, the second in a series of three free seminars in the Brooks Fund Speaker’s Series will be held on Thursday, Nov.15, focusing on adoption law, process and options and will be conducted by Nashville attorney Robert Tuke. The presentation given by Tuke will focus on the things couples and individuals who are considering adoption need to be aware of.
This offering of the 2007-2008 Brooks Fund Speakers Series will begin at 6:00 p.m. at the offices of Junior Achievement located at 120 Powell Avenue next to Home Depot at 100 Oaks. A light reception will lead off the evening at 5:30 p.m.
There is no fee to attend the seminar, but pre registration is required. To register, visit or contact The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee at 615-321-4939.
“Adopting a child is a difficult and emotional process, regardless of whether you are straight or a member of the GLBT community. But it is no secret that with current laws and our government’s attitude, adoption is even more difficult for GLBT couples and individuals. This seminar in the Brooks Fund Speaker’s Series should shed some light on the options that are out there,” said Mike Smith, chair of the Brooks Fund. “I am very excited that the Brooks Fund is able to offer, free of charge, this invaluable chance to increase awareness of the adoption process for members of the GLBT people in our community. This is one hour any person considering adoption will find enlightening.”
Robert Tuke is a partner in the firm of Trauger and Tuke in Nashville. His practice focuses on corporate and securities, tax-exempt finance, health care, and adoption law. He is an Adjunct Professor at Vanderbilt University and was the past chairman of the Tennessee Democratic Party.
The final seminar in the 2007-2008 Brooks Fund Speakers Series will focus on Long Range Financial Planning on and will be held on Jan. 17, 2008.
By supporting and encouraging the development of programs, the Brooks Fund of The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee increases philanthropic options and opportunities within the GLBT community. It was named for H. Franklin Brooks, a Vanderbilt professor of French and Italian for 25 years and an advocate for the inclusion of gays in Vanderbilt University’s anti-harassment policies.
The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee oversees more than 600 charitable funds. In the past fifteen years, The Community Foundation has distributed $320 million to community programs and institutions. Currently, The Community Foundation manages funds totaling $420 million.